Three Contenders and 11 months later,
one winner has emerged to build the new

The Singapore Sports Hub Consortiumled by Dragages Singapore Pte Ltd has been chosento construct the new National Stadium andSports hub at a whopping $ 1.2 billion.
The announcement was made just yesterdayat a press conference by Dr. Vivian Balakrishnan.

The SPORTS COMPLEX will include a new dome-shapednational stadium with a retractable roof able to seat55,000 people, a 6,000-capacity indoor aquatic centre,an artificial river offering whitewater rafting anda 3,000-capacity multi-purpose arena.
A WATER SPORTS CENTRE will serve as a venuefor events such as dragon boat racing and canoeing.
The complex will also offer 41,000 square metres(441,000 square feet) of commercial spaceand feature leisure and entertainment facilities.

The winning design of the Singapore Sports Hubor better known casually as the "COOL DOME" design.Compared two the other two designs,the winning design has a more sleeker definitionas compared to the other two designs.

The key features of the Cool Dome designs inculdea retractable roof with an outer membrane that candisplay different lighting and colour schemes at night.

When the stadium is fully covered, the roofwill be able to act like a giant Imax screenand images can be beamed into it.

A Premier Park has also been proposed to keep theSports Hub abuzz all year long with highlights such as anASEAN Super League football tournament.

An indoor go-karting area with amezzanine area will be built and there will be awhite-water rafting facility and also awater leisure park available for water enthusiasts!

so cool...

"The Consortium displayed significant strengths in programming,team culture and partnership, functionality and layout.It also offered the best value for money solution for Singapore."- Dr. Vivian Balakrishnan
Ultimately, the consortium's ability to providea strong calender of events to keep the Sports Hub buzzingall year-round was the triumphant factor.
The "HORSESHOE" and the "CRUMPLED TISSUE"designs are the other two contenders that also madea fiery and impressive bid to win the bid.
Here are some facts about the two designs.
THE HORSESHOE:The unique design promises stunning viewsof the Kallang Basin and the city skyline. It has aretractable roof that can opened and closed. A 2.6 km waterfront promenade will offervantage points for fans to watch water sportsand a host of shopping and eating options.Furthermore, a multi-purposeindoor arena and a sports museum alongwith a sports-themed hotel will be built.
The translucent membrane wrapping the stadiumwill provide a softer facade and act as a canvasfor night-time lighting effects.Its field runs in the north-south direction,so that the setting sun is not in direct lineof sight for athletes and spectators.
A viewing tower in the Kallang Basinwill offer visitors a unique experience of walkingbetween two sheets of water, like Moses.
This is also the only design to incorporate abeachfront area complete with a beach cluband a water sports centre.
So before i end of this entry, here's a shortvideo clip of the three sports hub proposals.p.s. mind the quality of the clip.

As we embark on a new journey to transformSingapore into a world class Sports hub, let us notforget the National Stadium that has playedan important part in the making of our history.
Thank you.