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Friday, January 11, 2008

Diet Coke Plus?

Guess what guys?
Diet Coke Plus
is in the house!

Diet Coke Plus

The drink is a new formulation of Diet Coke
fortified with vitamins and minerals.

It is sweetened with a blend of aspartame
along with acesulfame potassium, unlike regular
Diet Coke which only contains aspartame.

The drink is currently available in 20-ounce (591 ml) bottles
and 12-ounce (355 ml) cans in the USA.

Each 12-ounce serving of Diet Coke Plus provides 25%
of the daily value for niacin and vitamins B6 and B12,
and 15% for zinc and magnesium.


But you know what?

Even with a new name, a spunkier image,
more nutritional ingredients and other whatnots
to me, it's still the same old shit.

No offence, but, how healthy can a soft drink be?

Are Sodas Healthy?

With soft drink sales falling due to more
health-conscious consumers nowadays, will this
new concoction truly be a win-win situation?

Drinking diet sodas is one thing.
Touting them as “healthy”is quite another.
