Coined in the latest cover story ofTIME Asia, Europe & South Pacific,NY.LON.KONG is the amalgamation ofthe three greatest global cities today.

"New York City, London, and Hong Kong, three cities linkedby a shared economic culture, have come to be both examplesand explanations of globalization. Connected by long-haul jetsand fiber-optic cable, and spaced neatly around the globe,the three cities have (by accident — nobody planned this)created a financial network that has been able to lubricatethe global economy, and, critically, ease the entry intothe modern world of China, the giant child of our century.
Understand this network of cities — Nylonkong,we call it — and you understand our time....."
Get the latest edition of TIME MAGAZINEto find out more about how the interconnectedtripartite city, greases the wheels of trade anddevelopment and its effect in our global economy.

This special issue was timed to coincidewith the annual World Economic Forumbeing held in Davos, Switzerland this year.
To find out more of today's pressing issues,such as climate change, globalization and energychallenges, visit http://www.weforum.org/

These are issues that affect each and everyoneone of us, do your part today and be more pro-active
by keeping informed and voicing out our opinions.
"let's make the world a better place..."Winston