As seen by Singaporeans

(ok, or maybe just Hossan Leong =x)
It's the most hilarious satyr of Singapore's history
Sang Nila, Utama
Saw a lion, alamak
Name the village Singapura,
Years later, Ang Mor came
Stamford Raffles was his name
Posed for statues very nice,
Singapura very strong
Big guns all, pointing wrong
Japanese, came on bikes,
War is over, ang mor back
Singaporeans no respect
Commies come, make a fuss,
I live in Singapura
It’s not perfect living
But at least it’s interesting
I live in Singapura
Though it’s kind of crazy
We win other country
David Marshall, Lim Yew Hock
National Anthem starts to rock
Yusof Ishak the big man, guess who’s PM?
Malaysia say, come join me
Two of us be same country
Then not happy, Then make PM cry
PM Lee lead country
Build jurong and HDB
Made the country clean and green,
JB Jeya no more funds,
Chee Soon Juan won’t eat his buns
Lim How Doong, what a goon,
Kick out from Malaysia Cup
Michael Faye pain in the butt
S-League, Tea Dancing,
McDonalds Hello Kitty
Everyone drink Bubble tea
Crushing cockroach Margaret Chan,
Reclaimation, Tuas Causeway
Malaysian water buay ho sei
Mahathir’s friend Datuk Anwar,
NDP, aunties rush
Everyone it’s fun to flush
Bubble gums are all banned,
Driving car, not funny
Bid on cars with C-O-E
E-R-P, Road Tax,
Why our locals have to pay?
Foreign talent are okay
Housing estate upgrade
by contractors who go pok kai
IMF must follow
Want to protest, go indoors
M-R-T not so fast
Newater they laugh at us
Baby bonus, maid levy
Singtel Shares give out for free
Jack Neo, Kit Chan,
Beckham parties with models
Has affair but no one knows
S-league, go world cup,
Mahathir then Abdullah
Bar top dancing at the bars
Budget airlines start to pa (ie fight)
Gay is okay says PM
SM Lee becomes MM
PM Lee the same name,
If you've got any foreign friends,
i think you should recommend
in the Singlish Creole and i'm
Anyway, I love my Singapore...
no matter how crappy it may sometimes be.
Hahaha. I'm just kidding guys!