The CLIQUE wishes all buddhists a...HAPPY DEEPAVALI!
...and may the light always shine ever brightly!
Today, hindus from all around the world celebratea very significant festival known as the Festival of Lights,which marks the victory of good over evil in hindu lore,
and uplifting of spiritual darkness.
One important practice that the Hindus followduring the festival is to light oil lamps in their homes onDeepavali morning. By lighting the oil lamps, the devoteesare thanking the gods for the happiness, knowledge,peace and wealth that they have received.
So, as Deepavli dawns upon us, let uswish all our hindu friends and readersout there, a Happy Deepavali!
"When the heart and soul yearn withliving faith for the Unseen, it purifies thelife and brings a deeper vision.."
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